Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Truth About Canadian Income Trusts #1

The Rodney Dangerfields Of Canadian Investing

Pity the poor income trust, the popular income-producing investment vehicle that just can’t get “no respect” from Canadian politicians or the media. Income trusts are held in about as high esteem, by Canadian politicos and journalists, as Belinda Stronach attending a Mensa convention. And unfortunately investment vehicles can’t change their hair colour or date a hockey player to try and change their public image.

But what is the real truth about income trusts -- simultaneously hailed as the next best financial thing by income-starved retirees and GIC refugees, but politically maligned by two successive Canadian governments misled and manipulated by Finance Department bureaucrats?

In fact, like most things in life -- including flavoured latte confections and an underwear-challenged Britney Spears -- income trusts have their good and bad sides.

Fortunately, when it comes to income trusts, the good outweighs the bad by a long shot -- contrary to what you’ve heard from Canada’s misguided Finance Minister, or from ambitious would-be financial “experts” looking for their fifteen minutes of media notoriety.

The Good, The Bad & The Sometimes Ugly

Income trusts are good for Canada. They are good for investors who understand the risk involved in investing in these financial entities. And despite the bad rap trusts have been getting lately, they are superior generators of tax revenues to government -- it’s just that the tax is paid by the individual investors who receive income-trust income, rather than by the trusts themselves.

First off, it’s important to understand that there are several kinds of income trusts, including the original royalty trusts (energy trusts), real-estate investment trusts, infrastructure trusts (eg., pipelines and power generators) and today’s varied business trusts.

The very first form of income trusts, sanctioned by federal legislation, were royalty energy trusts. Talk about being good for Canada. By way of a unique confluence of economic factors, the first energy trusts sparked a productive wave of increased energy production, job creation, resource optimization, and government tax royalties for Canada’s Western provinces, particularly Alberta.

And along the way, this unique investment structure for generating investment capital and income -- an unprecedented fruition of the meeting of minds of government and the free market -- managed to provide individual investors (such as retirees and self-employed RSP contributors) with the enhanced income they needed to cope with inflationary pressures in today’s low-interest-rate income environment.

In other words, in an emerging new economic era -- in which five-year bank GICs paid under 4% per annum, and electricity, heating, real-estate tax and other costs of living soared -- investing in royalty (and later all) income trusts provided millions of Canadians with the income required to “scrape by” in retirement, or to save up for their future retirement.

This is an economic fact of life which today’s pampered Finance Department bureaucrats -- with their inflated six-figure salaries and guaranteed indexed pensions -- have never been able to grasp. But then again, when your work life revolves around indulgent expense-account lunches, dedicated to finding new ways of squeezing hard-earned dollars out of taxpayers to pay for the excesses and perks of government, why would you be aware of the struggle by ordinary Canadians to simply survive?

Oops! Business Trusts!

But speaking of the bad (and we believe revenue-hungry federal bureaucrats are bad for the country), let’s get back to the history of income trust themselves. Because after the success of energy trusts, and then real-estate investment trusts, Bay Street came up with a new twist on trusts -- business trusts.

Not that there aren’t some good business trusts. There are in fact a lot of them. But in the rush to “cash in” on the trust “golden cow,” Bay Street financiers, brokerage houses and corporate lawyers were not unwilling to take loser businesses, dress up their spreadsheets, and present them to the investing public as the newest and best thing in income trusts.

Not that these same Bay Street interests haven’t followed that same greedy and unethical M.O. in taking lame private businesses and converting them into conventional corporate equities (the kind our current Finance Minister reveres, even if these businesses are total turkeys, lose most of their investors’ money, and pay little tax to the government).

There have been, and still are, plenty of rotten apples like these in the conventional stock market. But unlike with income trusts, accounting experts and government bureaucrats don’t seem to mind, even if the Bay Street denizens have long been getting filthy rich sponsoring this kind of stock-market flim flam.

Regardless, welcome to the world of bad business trusts, the poster boys for what can go wrong, but usually doesn’t, with income trusts. These are the bad trust apples that have been used by critics to misrepresent the true nature of income trusts in general -- without ever mentioning the bad apples among regular stock equities.

As for the ugly, would you buy a used car from a Bay Street paper pusher who garnered millions of dollars in fees, bonuses and commissions from churning out business lemons? It may not be a bad way for these guys (and gals) to help pay for a new Porsche, Muskoka vacation home or Rosedale mansion, but it still has the ugly whiff of greed gone wild.

But let us emphasize one key point. This is the exception not the rule when it comes to income trusts. Most income trusts are well-run, money-making enterprises that benefit their unitholders and the geographic locales in which they are situated.

Yet, when today’s panic-stricken government leaders have stumbled and succumbed to the mistaken advice of their bureaucratic advisors on trusts, it is usually because our politicians have bought this exaggerated stereotype of trusts, hook, line and sinker. And consequently, they believe that all income trusts operate this way.

Nor do they usually have any idea that income trusts have become an essential income source for millions of ordinary Canadian retirees and savers who are struggling to keep up with increasing costs of living in Canada. But after taking bad advice from bureaucrats with a hidden agenda, government leaders would prefer to believe that any damage created by their mistaken actions has only impacted the rich.

Then there’s the issue of “tax leakage” -- taxes which income trusts allegedly don’t pay, in contrast allegedly to conventional business corporations like Telus (which incidentally has paid no tax to the Canadian government since 2000). Unfortunately, the myth of tax leakage is a complex subject which we’ll have to leave for a subsequent issue of “Income Trust Truth.”

Final Thoughts

In the meantime, please remember that it’s not wealthy “coupon clippers” who primarily benefit from the income-generating capabilities of income trusts. It’s the millions of ordinary Canadians (particularly pensionless retirees) who have had trouble living on reduced income from G.I.C.’s, bonds and other conventional savings instruments in a high-cost world.

And contrary to what your favourite Finance Minister has been mistakenly telling you, income trusts (and particularly energy trusts) have been good for Canada. Without them, much of the thriving energy bonanza in the Western oil patch, and profitable real estate developments right across Canada, would not have happened.

Thousands of jobs would not have been created, local economies would not have been invigorated, trust investors themselves would not have paid billions of dollars in taxes to various governments, and the nation would have been poorer for it had trusts not existed -- a few rotten apples notwithstanding.

That’s the truth about income trusts. And the whole truth (though condensed somewhat).

Not what you usually hear or read these days. But then again, if you were a politician, and if -- for political expediency -- you cynically broke a promise to the electorate for the wrong reasons, would you be telling the truth?

Not likely.

We’ll be back in coming days, to provide you with more detailed facts and figures behind the real truth about income trusts.

Let us know your own opinions and personal stories, regarding Little Jim's horrible Halloween hit on Canadian income trusts. --JWB


Anonymous said...

Right on! It's about time someone started telling the truth about income trusts.

My retirement funds have been absolutely decimated by Flaherty's folly.

J. William Bonner said...

Just keep checking this site every couple of days and you'll get the truth about income trusts as you've never seen it revealed before.

Don't give up hope yet. The forces of justice are just starting to get in gear.

Anonymous said...

Right on...
Misunderstood by politicians, income trusts are bashed.
We, retirees and small investors, we will lose a tool private funds and groups will use. Unfair to say the least.
What about "big business" being the driver behind the last attack ?
Bell used income trusts when it was part of its strategy....Yellow Pages, Bell Nordiq and more. When shareholders were asking for more income, it was the end of the party. So said Mr Sabia.
The real enemy today is big business and the competition income trusts are creating. They, big businesses, hate income trusts and can't stand the competition. Tax leakage is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next issue. Hopefully MP and Senators see this site.

Anonymous said...

Harper & Flaherty's attack on seniors will cost them in the next election!

If you haven't signed the petition protesting the Trust Tax, go here:

Another activist forum is:$flowt&table=PRO&all=0&top=1&t=1


Coalition of Canadian Energy Trusts
is beginning a major campaign effort to organize all angry seniors/investors. Contact them!

Seniors are fighting mad (and they vote!) and ready to give back to Harper & Flaherty some of their hurt!

blue1936 said...

Congratulations on your blog. The more information we get out there, more of us can get together to try to put the pressure on to change this criminal action by a lying government. CAIF (Canadian Association of Income Funds) estimates that as many as 3 - 4 million Canadians are adversely affected by this proposed legislation. If we can get together as a cohesive group, that's Real Political clout!

The Coalition of Canadian Energy Trusts (CAIT) is organising an activist group around the 15th of January. Here is a copy of a message sent to me:

Thank you for your email and suggestions. We are considering a direct mail campaign for unitholders as part of our next steps. We are also directing unitholders to the Canadian Association of Income Trust Investors, a new income trust unitholder activist group that has been formed in direct response to the federal government's proposal to tax income trusts. CAITI will have their website launched January 15th and will look to mobilize unitholders throughout the country to fight this proposal as well. The Canadian Coalition of Energy Trusts will continue with our activities to fight these changes and we hope that our combined efforts will be successful.


Coalition of Canadian Energy Trusts

Also, if you want to participate in a lively forum with quite a few investors wanting to take action, check out$FLOWT&table=PRO.

Let's get together!

Anonymous said...

It's time to show the Conservatives that we will not roll over on this issue and we will not go away.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the CONs believe we trusters are shut down. It is too bad we can't have an election right away & get rid of these lying theives.

These CONs have cost me bigtime.

The CONs have made enemies of the seniors, women, singles, environmentalists, nationalists, gays, anti-war groups, farmers. Is there anyone else left other than large corporations and highly paid execs. Let thme dare bring on an election - they will be toast.\


Max said...

Very well said.

I've sent a copy to my MP in Victoria, Denis Savoie.

The truth will ensure in my opinion.

Thanks, max

Anonymous said...

You Are so right, I hope you sent a copy to Flaherty and harper. They should see our comments.

Anonymous said...

Today, someone from Finance Canada actually asked me for advice on stock picking for 2007. He knows I lost money, and one of his friends (another co-worker) is quite livid and lets him know quite vociferously (phone, email, in the halls). He actually believes the party line. He's an economist. He believes that all the November 1st losses have been regained in the interim. He hasn't been allowed to buy Trusts for a couple of years. No clue. I leave studies on this desk and he actually reads them, but with a closed mind. I wish I was more articulate face-to-face. I told him I was still formulating my 2007 investment strategy, but that I was sitting on cash right now. I think I need to sit down and find out what he actually believes and what reading material he was getting prior to October 31st.

Anonymous said...

We all need to stick together and get these bums out of office. they LIED and they mislead the voting public. The only reason for voting for a fellow who had zero experience and never travelled outside the country is that he said they would not touch the trusts. They do not understand business and they also misread the public on this. Lets get to the poles. Everyone check at as they will be preparing a petition this month for all of us to send on to Ottawa.

Anonymous said...

The whole market is chasing capital gains, a result of the favorable tax treatment and of course, the stock option trend for management.

Income trusts were really an island of sanity in the investment marketplace. You could do fundemental analysis of the company, get it's credit rating and satisfy yourself that the distributions were reasonably secure, and then sleep well at night knowing the equity price was supported by the yield, and the market be damned.

Now we have to go back to the greater fool investing theory. Thank you Mr. Flaherty.

GrahamM said...

Great blog - Congratulations! Very well written.

Now, how to get it published so the masses read it - Try posting links on as many financial forums as we can.

And, send link to the politicos and media.

Need as much exposure as possible.

Looking forward to the next installment!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The CONservatives will pay dearly for this travesty.

Anonymous said...

What a great blog. Thank you.

My story is the same as millions of others who lost a lot of money, and their elected MP's just keep towing the party line with buzzwords like "tax fairness plan", "tax leakage" or my favorite NOT, "When corporations don't pay their share of taxes, this burden is shifted onto the shoulders of hardworking individuals and families".

I have sent numerous letters to my MP - Jason Kenney, and all Alberta CON's MP's including PM Harper, just to receive exactly the same letter in return. Very conned answer to my personal financial hardships.

Msg to Mr. Harper.
I have been very happy to pay my fair share of taxes from income distributions. I don't need your government hand out. Just get off my back.
Look at our traditional BIG Corp's ENCANA, TELUS, BCE, and the BIG BANKS.
When was the last time they paid their fair share?
Why are they being allowed infinite TAX DEFERAL - I'm calling it TAX AVOIDANCE?
So much for paying their FAIR SHARE.

This issue is so politically charged, with such a huge consequences for this government, that no CON's will even agree to any discussion forum or public consultation. The CON's are in the political corner. We have to finish them off.
Just shift the gear up.
We the people will prevail.

caroline weeks said...

my retirement funds have disappeared since Flaherty., Excellent article., I think you should show him this ine and all the comments

Anonymous said...

December 25, 2006

Harper’s Betrayal of Trust:
The tragedies Continue

Broken promises have consequences. Just ask any kid in grade school.
But when a Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of a modern, western, democratic society lie to and deceive their people (“NoTrust Tax”), the consequences are far reaching and… sometimes tragic.

Yesterday, when I read a post on a popular forum, it took the concept of “betrayal of trust” to a whole new and tragic level.

The poster said that an “old man” who had worked all his life, did the best he could to provide for his family and wife of many years…….took his own life in mid-November of 2006.

We don’t know the “old man’s” name. We don’t have a picture of him. We don’t know how many grandchildren he had. We don’t know how many years he worked and saved. We don’t know his life’s story. We don’t know if he was like your grandfather or mine.

From the post, what we do know is….he was depressed, lost a large portion of his life savings after Oct. 31, 2006 , and had most of that savings in income trusts.

I think it is safe to say the “old man”, like most good, honest seniors ….took Harper at his word.

I know, in the minds of many politicians, bureaucrats, and media types trying to comfort their own guilty (and not so guilty) souls, will dismiss this financial loss nine ways from Sunday.
I can hear it now: “He should have been diversified”, “He should have known the Income Trusts couldn’t last”, “Besides, this action was for the greater good of our society”.

And, this ladies and gentlemen, is where we are with today’s political and bureaucratic mentality….dismiss, deny, obfuscate, blame the victim.
They will do anything but confront the real issue….the Betrayal of Trust.

On November 1, 2006 , Harper & Flaherty’s premeditated BETRAYAL OF TRUST
not only set up this grandfather and every senior/retiree for a financial catastrophe, but also destroyed any remaining faith we ever had in government, politicians, and bureaucrats.

These families will not forget a government, a bureaucracy, and a media that cares more about itself, taxes, and agendas….. than it cares about its hard working people and the real truth of this matter.

These families, just like the families of Sept 11, 2001 , will not forget Harper & Flaherty’s Jihad on the seniors of Canada . They will not forget Harper & Flaherty’s “Betrayal of Trust”…. their legacy… waiting to be engraved in stone.

Randy Cox, Ph.D.

Anonymous said...

"Income Trusts are popular with seniors because they provide regular payments that are used by many to cover the costs of groceries, heating bills and medicine. They also provide tax relief from a government that is addicted to taking too much money from their pockets, spending it without care…
The success of Income Trusts represents a rare triumph for investors over the taxman. Let's not be so naïve to assume the Liberals will do the right thing to protect taxpayers. We will need to fight hard to keep what we have."…..Stephen Harper, October 2005

Anonymous said...

Like the rest of the commenters (ors?), my wife and I lost a considerable amount of our retirement fund last Halloween, a sum that would have supported us for three years at our present (now past) rate of spending.
Is there any hope that we can get the government to modify their Draconian stance? I don't know, but I do know that unless we keep hammering on them, nothing good will happen.
Snail mail, faxes, emails, phone calls, to both MPs and the media.

Anonymous said...

In this TAX FAIRNESS PLAN by Flarper, there is a shameful bone thrown towards the seniors. This supposed to shut up some of them, and divide many others.
Well I am 50 years old, with wife and 3 kids, no pension plan, some RSP's, and other non-RSP investments. I've owned energy IT's for many years. It's been a very good source of income to help paying for kids education, and some other bills. I’ve not become an instant millionaire, just because of investing in IT’s.
It has worked well, until some Mr. Nobody, “a whiz”, lawyer from ONTARIO - newborn finance guru Flaherty decided to fix it.

I've just screamed, "Jim, don't fix it, it ain't broken".

The rest is just a history.

So, I am not senior yet, and the shameful bone thrown by Flarper towards seniors will not affect me for many years. My financial hardship is REAL, NOW.
So, what's in it for me FLARPER?

One thing is certain, that my family of 5 will never look at the Conservative candidate at the election time. Shame on you PM Harper, for being the #1 LIAR of 2006.

Shame on you Harper, for dressing up your new tax bill, where you set up seniors income splitting with a new taxation policy on income trusts, just to set people against each other. Divide and conquer.

We Canadians, must be smarter then that, and not allow these LIARS, POLITICIANS to get away with it.

We must show our responsibility for the country, and for each other. Get these BUMS out and, hold the accountable.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for articulating what so many people are thinking. I'm so dismayed with the Financial news papers that I canceled all subsciptions. I just can't believe that so many well educated, professional, investicating reporters have missed this opportunity to uncover what untruths that this Finance Minister has purported regarding trusts.

I will be sending your articles, by fax, to my NDP member of parliment and hopefully he reads them.

However, at this point, most have blinders on and won't pay any attention until there is an actual puplic outcry by investors that can finally get media attention.This show of strength would be the only opportunity for us to get our message out to the puplic and show others just how this government is using lies to further their unknown agenda.

Anyone up for a march on Parliament ?

Anonymous said...

It is good to read such an intelligent blog. My wife and I are both retired and like others here have been completely blindsided by Flaherty's and Harpers evil act. I applaud J. William Bonner's clarity of thought. I will play my part to get this message out to the politicians. Thanks JWB

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bonner, thanks for trying to help get the truth out, but it seems to be falling on deaf ears. It is hard to understand why the country's newspaper writers, with minor exceptions like Diane Francis of the National Post, are not holding Flaherty's feet to the fire to justify his action with specific data, not just opinions. Although there are supposed to be millions of trust investors, the number of names that appear on online petitions is very small. It is all very discouraging.

Anonymous said...

Geesh I really hope they will get this tax situation fixed sometime soon. Meaning removed from the books and turned into another governmental mistake that is just a figment of history and investors imagination.

Please visit the Canadian Income Trust petition. Also just so you can watch Mr Harper, break his own promise in two seperate occasions while being broadcast on the national news. Check out this compilation of videos ->